Between Two Crocs: BBW Shapshifter Romance (Safari Shifters Book 2) Read online
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Max flipped through the book as he waited for everyone to come back. He’d only brought the suits over to be helpful, but now it felt like fate. He was supposed to be in this shop. Seeing Lily again made his stomach do somersaults. She was so beautiful. The two of them running into each other again had to mean something.
Maybe he could try to convince Finn to try one more time with her. The thought of her wedged between the two of them made his cock hard. There was no way he could pass up the chance to make that fantasy a reality.
If he helped her pick a nice dress, maybe she would reconsider going out with them. He liked her, and he knew Finn thought she was hot. He could work with that. That was, if Finn wanted to work with him. He was doing his best, but it was like talking to a brick wall these days. But Finn hadn’t seen Lily again. Max was hoping when he got a look at the smoking hot brunette, he’d have strong feelings again too.
“We’re back to square one.” Lily came back into the shop and sat down at the table.
“I just fired Hilda,” Gummy said, sitting down. “But now we’re a little shorthanded and we need to find this dress yesterday.”
“I can help,” Max said automatically. “I don’t know anything about event planning, but if ‘assist’ means carrying around chairs and stuff, I’m your guy.”
“Thank you, but I don’t think you’ll be able to do much.”
Gummy was looking downright glum, and while Lily was putting on a brave face, Max could tell something was bothering her. He could just sense it. Hilda must have done something particularly nasty to get fired in the middle of a big job. This was going to be a disaster. Max couldn’t let it happen.
“Really, I’d like to help,” he repeated. “I may not know how to pick dresses, but I’m a pro at internet searches. I’ll be able to find whatever you want. Plus, I’ve been told I have a very sexy voice. I can make all your phone calls while you do more important stuff.”
“Your speaking voice is very pleasing.” Gummy laughed and then rubbed his chin. “Maybe. I’m out of options, really. My second and third assistants are both busy with other events. What the heck. We’ll try.”
“Great.” Max rubbed his hands together and smiled at Lily. “First things first. We need to find you a dress.”
Gummy went to the big bag Hilda had left behind and took out a laptop. “We need to find a designer that will ship a dress here overnight. It has to fit her almost perfectly. The tailor is good, but she’s only human. We want to make it as easy as possible for her.”
“Right.” Lily nodded. “We only have a five days before the big day, and I don’t want to be walking down the aisle in a potato sack.”
“If anyone could make that look good, it would be you,” Max said.
“Shut up.” She pretended to push him, but a little of the fire returned to her eyes. She took the laptop and started opening web pages. In less than five minutes, she had six different websites opened. She showed them eleven different dresses she thought would work.
Max pointed to a long, peacock blue dress. “I know this is the wrong color, but I think it’s the best one.”
Gummy tilted his head. “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I agree. I know Addison agreed to orange, but I think this is our best bet. Lily if you think you can convince her to change the color, I think we have a contender.”
“I like this one too,” Lily said gleefully. “Do you think you can get it here?”
Gummy clicked around the website and looked through his phone. “I know a lovely boutique owner who may be able to help us. Excuse me for one second. Cross your fingers, ladies.”
“Good thing Addison left,” Lily said when they were alone. “She never would have been able to change her mind so fast.”
“I know what you mean. Finn has a total one-track mind. Once he gets an idea in his head, it has to be his way or it won’t get done. It’s really annoying.”
“So you’re not like that?”
“Obviously not. I’m helping you pick out dresses when I had planned to go out and grab some food with my bros. I’m pretty flexible. I bet you are, too.”
Lily licked her lower lip. “I’ve been known to get myself into some pretty interesting positions. But I’ve never failed to get myself back on the right path before too long.”
Max laughed nervously. Was she flirting? He thought she was flirting. He was moving her from the ‘maybe’ to the ‘definitely’ category. She was into him!
With any luck he’d be able to convince her to let him get into her too.
If he’d known hooking up with an event planner would get him a hot girl, he would have done it a long time ago. And Lily wasn’t just any hot girl, either. Max was starting to think she was the hot girl. The one and only. The girl he and Finn had been waiting for. Their mate.
It was early, but he had a good feeling about it all. Fate had brought her back into their lives for a reason. Even Finn couldn’t ignore the signs. All Max had to do was get them in the same room.
“Hey, are you free for dinner tonight?” Max asked her. “I was going to eat with Shane, but he canceled on me while you guys were outside.”
“I don’t have any plans.” Lily flipped her dark brown curls over her shoulder. “What are you going to make me?”
“Whatever you want. Between Finn and me, we can make anything,” Max boasted.
“Sounds great. Pick your favorite food and make me that.”
“Great.” Max leaned back in his seat with a big grin on his face. Shane was going to be disappointed when he canceled their dinner, but he would understand. As long as he could get Finn to cook something, they were in good shape. Max was lying when he said they could cook anything. Finn did most of the cooking while Max did the prep and clean up. He couldn’t predict Finn’s reaction to an unexpected guest but he had high hopes. It was Lily after all.
Finn was home again and digging through the fridge. Max had sent him a vague text about cooking for three earlier. It was a good thing he’d gotten out of work early or he wouldn’t have even had time to cook. He’d thought Max and Shane were going out for dinner, but they must have changed their plans. Of course they expected him to be able to cook for them with almost no notice. It was a selfish move, but Finn wasn’t surprised. Max wasn’t a great cook and Shane was useless in the kitchen.
He was making simple baked chicken with homemade bread, fruit salad, and steamed green beans on the side. Nothing fancy, but it would be enough for the three of them. They were lucky he had a whole chicken thawing. He’d been planning on making himself lunches for the week and already been planning to make himself dinner anyway. He was trying hard not to be irritated by his brother’s sudden change in plans and demands. It would be better that way. He was going to have to sit through a dinner with Max and Shane anyway. Might as well make the best of it.
It was also part of his new resolution. He was going to be better to Max. No matter what, they were brothers and were going to complete a triad together. If he kept treating Max badly, there was a chance he could lose his brother forever. That wasn’t what he wanted in a million years. He had to do better by his twin even if it was hard. He owed it to them both.
Finn was pulling the green beans off the stove when Max strolled in with Lily Aris following him. He almost dropped the beans on the floor, he was so surprised. The last time he’d seen Lily was the disastrous dinner theater date. She’d gotten on his nerves and he’d been very happy to get away from her. It was a sharp change from the first time he saw her at a club. She’d been so friendly and eager that he’d been excited to get to know her better.
Seeing her in her pink shorts and green tank top, he remembered his initial feelings. The dinner theater was all but forgotten when he saw her cheery smile, ample chest, and shapely legs. He gave Max an appreciative nod. It was going to be real easy to stick to his resolution. The night was suddenly looking up.
“Hey, Finn.” Lily put out her ha
Finn shook her hand. “Hello again. So you’re our third tonight, huh?”
“I guess I am,” Lily said seductively.
Whoa. Finn shot a look at Max, who shrugged. He hadn’t meant it that way but now the thought was in his head. Clearly he’d been right about her the first time they met. She really was a fun and nice girl with a little bit of a wild side.
“What are we having?” She looked around the kitchen. “Smells really good.”
“Thanks,” Finn said. “It’s just lemon chicken, green beans, fruit salad, and bread. I was already cooking when Max said you guys were headed over.”
“That’s lucky.” Lily was looking around the living room. “This looks bigger than Chet and Addison’s place.”
“It is,” Finn confirmed. “Max and I only have a one-bedroom. It’s a little weird sharing a room right now, but it means that we get a bigger living area.”
“Oh my gosh.” Lily put her hand over her mouth and giggled. “Do you guys, like, sleep in bunk beds?”
Max laughed. “That was what I suggested, but he turned me down.”
“We’re grown men. We can’t sleep in bunk beds.”
“Do you share one bed?” Lily asked.
Finn grabbed her hand and took her to the bedroom. He opened the door with a big flourish. “Ta-dah! See, nothing weird.”
“Twin beds.” She put her hands in her pockets. “Interesting.”
He closed the door again. “Sure. Tell me how you two hooked up again.”
Max and Lily launched into their story while Finn tried to pay attention. It was weird that they only had twin beds. It hadn’t even occurred to him when they moved in more than five years ago, since he and Max had only ever been with two girls together before. If they found their mate, they would have to buy a new bed. The thought freaked him out. Was he thinking about mates and mating only because he’d shown Lily the bedroom, or because Lily was his mate? He needed to get Max alone to talk about it with him.
He put all the food on the table while Max was pouring them all glasses of wine. They sat down at the table to eat with Lily sitting between them. He wished Max had told him Lily was coming and not Shane. He would have put decorations on the table or lit a few candles. It didn’t seem special enough for their second date. He didn’t know if it was date for sure but it sure felt like one. It had to be more than just new friends getting together.
“How’s work been?” he asked Lily once everyone had a plate. “I bet you have a great boss to get two long vacations in one year.”
“We never get off,” Max told her. “Until they get more workers, we’re basically always on call. I wish we got vacations like you.”
“I don’t have a great boss.” Lily scowled. “He’s a total jerk. I’m actually working while I’m on vacation. Long story short, I have to fix a mistake he made by Monday or I’m fired.”
“Whoa.” Finn put down his fork. “Are you kidding? Because that’s pretty awful.”
She shook her head. “I’m not kidding. Don’t tell anyone else. I don’t want Addison to get worried, because it isn’t her fault. It wouldn’t matter if I was home or not. This guy seems like he just wants to fire me.”
“I’m sorry,” Max told her. “I can’t believe that anyone would be that mean to you. I bet you’re a great worker.”
“I am a great worker. I’m great at my job.” Lily stabbed a green bean viciously with her fork. “He’s a total creep too. He asked me out a few times when I started. He hasn’t done it recently but he’s always staring at me all creepily. Sometimes I wish I could just rub his stupid papers in his face and tell him to shove it.”
“Why don’t you?” Finn wondered. “Stress is bad for your health. If your job makes you that miserable, you should just quit.”
“I kind of need money. You know, to eat and keep a roof over my head.”
“Can’t you get a new job?” Max asked. “I thought accounting jobs were easier to get in the States.”
“I guess I could.” She sounded doubtful. “I don’t have a lot of experience. I may just have to, though. What I really want to do is forget about all of this while I’m on vacation. No more job talk.”
Max changed the subject to everyone’s favorite drinks, and the dinner continued on smoothly.
Finn couldn’t help but hope Lily did tell her boss to get lost. Hearing that some other guy asked her out pissed him off. There was no way Finn wanted her working anywhere near that guy. The more he thought about it, the angrier he got. Lily had to quit her job. He was going to have to try and convince her before she left the island.
If she didn’t have a job back home, it would also make moving to the island easier for her. It was a shot in the dark and way too early to be thinking that way, he knew. But still, it couldn’t be meaningless that all her ties to home were being severed, and her best friend was becoming a permanent part of island life. Finn didn’t think it was all coincidence. It was fate, and he wasn’t going to ignore the signs.
The twins were huddled in the kitchen talking with their heads bent close together. The dinner had gone spectacularly. Lily wondered how she could have ever thought either of them was a jerk or boring. Both of the twins were total gentlemen and so easy to talk to. She had really gotten them wrong. It was like someone had flipped a switch, and now she could see them clearly in the light. Or was it something else?
She had been thinking about how to get them in bed all evening. She’d never been with two men before, but for the twins, she was willing to give it a try. It might even be really fun. The thought of being filled completely made her cross her legs and lick her lips. The sudden change of heart still worried her. What if it wasn’t lust but fate conspiring against her instead? It had been the same way when Addison realized Chet was her true love.
Her phone buzzed. She saw it was Addison and walked to the front yard. “Hey, what’s up?”
“Hilda quit?” Addison sounded elated.
“She did. Wow, I thought you’d be freaked out now that Gummy is working it alone.”
“Normally I would be. I mean, he told me Max Nunez was his new assistant. That’s terrible. But Hilda is gone. It’s time to celebrate!”
“She was such a terrible assistant.”
“And mean. She was the reason Gummy and I had so many disagreements. I am so glad he fired her. Lily, you are a godsend. Everything is all taken care of, and you’ve only been here for a few days.”
“I know. What would you do without me?”
“I don’t know. Now, if you can fix the Nunez twin problem, I would love you forever.”
“What problem? They seem fine.”
“I told you, they’ve been at each other’s throats this whole time. Or at least Finn wants to kill Max. Chet said Finn was talking about moving in with Branch at one point.”
Lily was sure she was hearing things. She looked in the kitchen window at Max and Finn doing the dishes together. “No way. I talked with Max. He didn’t mention anything about a fight with Finn.”
“Well, it’s been happening. It’s incredibly awkward to be around the two of them at the same time. I think poor Max is oblivious to the whole thing. I know he isn’t the brightest crayon in the box, but he’s a sweet guy.”
“I know. He was great with helping me pick a dress. I don’t think they’re fighting though. I’m with them and they seem fine.”
“Yeah? Either they’re o their best behavior or you are a miracle worker. If you can fix that we’ll be all set.”
“You can call me Helen Keller then because whatever beef they had is squashed.”
Addison laughed. “I’ll believe it when I see it. Gummy told me your dress is drop dead gorgeous. I can’t wait to see it tomorrow.”
“Me either. I gotta go. Night, girl.”
“Night. Thanks for everything again.”
As Lily hung up, she got another call immediately. It was Mr. Angelsen again, and she was in too a good mood for his
BS again. She picked up and he started yelling right away, but she cut him off. “You know what? Save your breath. I quit. You’re an ass, and I don’t want to work for you anymore.”
“What? You can’t quit. I’m firing you.” She could imagine the shades of red his face was turning as he raged.
“Great. Now I can collect unemployment while I call all your clients and let them know what a screw-up you are. Seriously, the mistakes you made with these accounts are astronomical.”
“You are so unprofessional.”
“Great. Have a nice life.”
Lily hung up the phone and pumped her fist in the air. She did need the job, but she was in too good a mood to worry about it now. She would figure it out. She had padded her savings in preparation for paying off one of her loans, and the loan could wait while she searched for a new job. Finn was right; the stress wasn’t worth it. It was a split-second decision, but it was the right one.
She stepped back into the house. “I just quit my job.”
The twins turned around with shocked faces. Finn put down the plate he was drying. “No way. You just said you were going to stick it out.”
“I did, but I was wrong. I don’t want to work for that guy anymore.”
Max dried off his hands and gave her big hug. “Good for you. You deserve to be treated better. Hey, we should celebrate. There’s a great ice cream shop downtown.”
Lily reached up and pulled Max’s mouth to hers. He had to be surprised, but that didn’t stop him from kissing her back. She ran her hands down to the waistband of his jeans and pulled back. “I had something else in mind.”
She kissed Max again and then looked at Finn. He still had the dishtowel in his hand and was staring at the two of them with his mouth open. She held out her hand toward him. “Want to come join the party?”
She had no idea what had come over her, but it felt good. Really good. She was bold, but never this bold—but it was about to pay off.
Finn dropped the towel and came over to her and Max. He kissed Lily while Max kissed along her shoulders. She shivered. It was actually happening, and it had been so easy. All she had to do was ask!